1/4 the distance, ALL of the party! Lace up those running shoes and join the beer drinkin’, mileage runnin’ folks in the Narragansett Brewery Race. This 6.55 mile Rhode Island showdown starts and ends at our Narragansett Brewery itself!
Quench your thirst for a fun and unique racing experience at Rhode Islands iconic brewery.
1/4 of the Marathon Mileage, 100% of the party
Exhilaration in motion: Runners radiate joy at the Narragansett Brewery race event
Exhilaration in motion: Runners radiate joy at the Narragansett Brewery race event
Smiles all around: Runners pose after completing the Narragansett Brewery race
City running brings smiles: Enthusiastic group in a road race across the bridge
Cheers to creativity: Runners in handmade Narragansett beer can costumes at the race
Golden hour run: Athletes share the joy of an evening race against a city backdrop
Sharing the milestone: Running buddies pass the one-mile marker with smiles
Laughter and strides: A jovial group captures the fun of an urban evening run
Sponsors & Partners of the Naragansett Brewery Race
Help us put on the Narragansett Brewery Race 1/4 Marathon!
There is no better volunteer than a runner. Sign up to volunteer for the Narragansett Brewery 1/4 Marathon and we’ll thank you with a free entry into our 5k race in the Spring, the Narragansett Summer Nights 5k!
Looking to tell us your deepest secrets!? Weird, but OK!
Fill out the form below and the message will be sent right to our race staff. Give us a day or two to respond, because let’s face it… we are probably out running.